Pint?Pint-sized and “a perfect fit” for toddlers! With a seat height of 7 1/2", toddlers will have no trouble “seating themselves”. Built with sturdy hardwood frames, comfortable dense foam, and upholstered with premium coverings. Meets ASTM, CPSIA, and CA117 standards. One-year warranty. Ages 18-36 months. ?22"L x 16"W x 19"H. ?20 lbs.-sized and “a perfect fit” for toddlers! With a seat height of 71/2", toddlers will have no trouble “seating themselves”. Built with sturdy hardwood frames, comfortable dense foam, and upholstered with premium coverings. Meets ASTM, CPSIA, and CA117 standards. One-year warranty. Ages 18-36 months. 34"L x 16"W x 19"H. 27 lbs.